Monday, March 9, 2015

I decree & declare I shall give adequate amount of time in devotion with the Lord and that nothing shall take the place of my private and intimate time with God.

TADD Day 3 – I decree & declare I shall give adequate amount of time in devotion with the Lord and that nothing shall take the place of my private and intimate time with God. I declare that my times are in the hand of the Lord and that I shall not waste time because God has given it to me as a precious commodity. DAY 3 TOTAL ABUNDANCE EMBRACED Insight to Embrace: When God is made first in my life everything else is brought into divine alignment. Memorization & Meditation: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 “ Question to Apply: How would your life look like if you chose not to seek God on a daily basis or vice-versa?. God is: God is El-Shaddai, he is more than enough. All sufficient. He is the many breasted one, therefore has all the nourishment that we need to live, survive and to thrive.

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